How to grow your online reputation by getting more positive customer reviews

On the internet, today, more people than ever before look for reviews before making a business decision. They want to know who they are purchasing from and how much they can trust that business. And they search for the answer in the reviews of people who have had an interaction with your business before. Therefore, reviews, positive ones in particular, can be great for your online reputation. It will not only show you off as a great business to work with but also generate many more sales than when you have few to zero reviews.

Here is how you can grow your online reputation by getting more positive customer reviews:

Deliver excellent quality products and services

Now this may seem the most obvious one of the tips but it is one of those fundamental things that you can’t move away from. If your products and services are great, people will automatically leave great reviews for you. You may not be asking them even. It has become a trend for people to make a purchase and then leave a review on the internet. So by being great with your deliverability, you can make sure that you have great reviews online.

Ask for reviews

Studies have shown that 68 percent of people will leave a review for a business if they ask for it. That is a great number right? So what you want to do is here is to reach out to people who have either worked with your business in the past or are engaging with you right now. What you want to do is to make sure that you are asking them for it. Be it an email, Facebook message, text message or in- person, just ask them. Tell them how much it means to you that they leave a review for your business. When people look for reviews, they look for volume. A bunch of 5 star reviews are not enough. You want to get as many of them as you can.

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Important Note: Customers and users leave reviews when your products and website is reputable. If your brand is not providing them enough satisfaction none of the mentioned tactic will work out for you. To make sure you always get positive and honest review, audit your site on SEO parameters. Your content should be plagiarism and grammatical error free at every cost. Keep check and balance on keyword density using keyword density checker to bring more organic traffic to your site.

Incentivize your review

If you are providing great service and asking for reviews, you should be getting some automatically. However, if you are struggling with the volume of your reviews, you can definitely start incentivizing your reviews. This will help you meet your goals. Now keep in mind that you are not paying people for their reviews. That only breaks more trust than it creates. You don’t want to over- incentivize. You just want to sort of thank people for the time that they have taken out to write a review for you. So may be give them a 10% off in their next purchase or pick a lucky draw or something.

Respond to reviews

A lot of your reviews are going to but positive if you are providing quality service. However, there will always be some negative reviews. Now you can minimize the number of negative reviews you are getting but there will always be like a one in a million, if you are that great of a service or product, that will not be satisfied. Regardless of the type of reviews you are getting, you want to make sure that you respond to these. This shows the new coming customers that you really care about your service. You don’t just see and ignore people’s experiences. For a great review, you leave positive comments. For reviews that are negative, you try to create positive dialogue. You try to turn that bad experience into a good one in any way possible. That really shows great customer service.

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Monitor your brand

For the reviews you are getting, you don’t want to leave out any. You want to make sure that you know each and every one of them, the negative ones in particular. You don’t ever want to try to be in the sales process of another customer or client and find out about a bad service or product another customer received and be surprised. You want to make sure that you know exactly what is going on and where it is going on.

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