The Royalty-Free Stock Material Center Is Advocating for Intellectual Property Rights Protection

The Royalty-Free Stock Material Center Is Advocating for Intellectual Property Rights Protection

Recently, launched the stock material center recorded to be the first royalty-free platform in China. It is strategically intended to support the online merchants and keep JD’s innovations running. Initially, it’s believed that the company started by selling authentic products only. As they move forward, the e-commerce industry is expected to be driven by copyright protection because the supply chain is emerging from unexpected points. KOLs and Merchants of will have the privileges of accessing the Stock Material Center for free to meet their visual needs and generally the promotions of JD’s products. The two parties will sell RMB in millions while still protecting their IPR with the new trend.

In line with the JD stock findings, merchants are typically forced to use hundreds of images plus dozes of fonts each year, therefore, increasing their RMB expenditure. Apart from the added costs, merchants also have to be more concerned about copyright violations. The cases are very rampant, especially during the evaluation process.

To help, JD Stock Material Centre, which is set to offer more than a hundred million royalty-free stock images, has the diversified selections of the mainstream fonts that are anticipated to be rolled out to aid in accomplishing the online merchant’s various needs.

Technology is advancing, and it’s very important to use the related AI technology platform to automatically recognize all the images and texts while again categorizing the fonts by their style. The JDs’ operation team is well-dedicated to serve and help the company’s merchants stream the right materials that suit their needs directly to their working space.

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Jiandong Pei is the vice president of retail.

Jiandong is emphasizing on the importance of protecting the company’s copyrights. It will build on a robust eCommerce system; the copyrights protection system will also ensure continued growth and improvements of the visual materials ecosystem that is beneficial to JDs’ Community.

Every intellectual property might deserve some trademark to acknowledge the patent inventions. This is the best strategy that many countries use to encourage innovations and ensure continued human progress. Legal protection is a way of encouraging the development of other innovations. Safe spending, proper IPR, and care are used by many to achieve social and economic effects. is a direct sales company based in China that operates online. The company has a broad array of products available through its website and the well-crafted mobile application. JD Company sells some of the products, including computers, communication products, household items, books, digital products, appliances, and garments. The items are either sold directly to the consumers or the authorized vendors. It has over 284,000 employees who understand the retail and wholesale discretionary industry wholesomely. Its transaction volume has been growing each day due to its endeavors in edge cutting innovations and Lui’s foresight in logistics and artificial intelligence. Additionally, the productivity of JD has recruited a broad customer base ensuring world sustainability.

The founder of is Richard Liu Qiangdong. The chairman and chief executive officer was born and raised in a small village known as Chang’an, located outside Suqian City, Jiangsu Province. During his early development, the villages lacked various modern convinces that are very paramount for human survival. Water and electricity were the hardest things to find. Food was available but not enough to fill the stomach of the many starving individuals. However, Richard Liu holds a saddening childhood history. He has always worked around the clock to maintain his scope and keep his ambitions high. To this far, Richard has been the steadfast individual pursuing a key role meant to set the wholesalers and retailers into a financial breakthrough.

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