How to enable and configure Discord Push To Talk [STEP by STEP]

How to enable and configure push to talk in discord

Discord is a voice over internet protocol ( VOIP ). Which was released publically in May 2015.
It gained popularity among the gamers in no time.

It was an amazing alternative to the Team Speak, it has a lot of advance customisations like you can set up your own text commands, make different channels.

There was a huge problem of communication between the gamers while playing there favorite games. Which is covered by this software Discord.

Using Discord push to talk feature has resolved many problems.


You need a decent Headset to make the most out of this feature.

By using this feature you can avoid unwanted irritating background voices which may ruin your gameplay.

Almost 100 million users are using discord to enhance communication while gaming.
But how to enable discord push to talk?

Stick Around,

How to Enable Discord Push To Talk

Lets start the tutorial of how to enable push to talk in discord, before that make sure you are logged in to your discord account. Here is what you need to do afterwards.

  • After running Discord app in your device, Look down towards your username and click on the grey settings icon. Which will take you to the Discord settings page.
    discord push to talk
  • Once you have entered the settings, look towards left in “APP SETTINGS” and tap on the Voice button.
  • Now check the checkbox of “Push to talk”
    discord push to talk
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Pretty easy! Right?

Lets move on to out next topic on Configuring the push to talk in discord.

How to Configure Discord Push To Talk

Hurray! As you have successfully managed to enable Push to Talk, Although you won’t be able to use this feature right after enabling it, as you didn’t set a key to activate this push to talk.

Follow the following steps to set and activate the key.

  • As you are already in the Settings page, Again checkout “APP SETTINGS”, and tap on the Keybinds button, Discord allows you to set multiple shortcut keys for the same feature which helps in playing games with various controls.NOTE: Discord doesn’t have the Keybind tab in the Web version so we recommend you to download the desktop version to further enhance your experience with the software.But what if you can’t download the discord app?Well, don’t panic you still have an option.Go to the Voice & Video tab in settings and check the push to talk checkbox and set a Keyblind key for activation this feature and you are good to go.
  • Now, in the active menu choose Push to Talk, after that click on Record Keybind and set a key as per your convenience to enable push to talk in the game.
    discord push to talk
  • Now take a step back and click on Voice & Video. You will notice a sliding bar under the Push to talk Release delay. This options changes the time taken by the Discord software to cut your voice signal the moment you release the push to talk key. Default value will be 20ms, although you can always change as per your convenience between 20ms – 2000ms.
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Go ahead and tryout Discord Push to Talk feature

Well, by now you have successfully enabled and configured the Push to Talk feature
If you do a lot of gaming with your friends, this feature would definitely be amazing for you.
Even if you don’t have an expensive headphones and have a normal one this feature would eliminate the background noises.

Let us know in the comments section if you have any doubts regarding this topic.

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