How to Hire Proficient Developers: Tips for Companies Not Engaged in IT


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Let’s face it: any proficient IT specialist will rather work in a big IT company than any other startup. But is it possible to gather an effective and efficient team of developers, given your company have nothing in common with Google, Apple, and other big sharks?

We believe it is, and below are six tips to attract and retain the best minds. Follow our article and we will tell you how to hire Proficient Developers

#1 Hire an HR Specialist Exclusively for the IT Branch

The biggest mistake is to transfer the recruiting tasks to a random HR. Specialization is always good, but here it is a must!

If your company works with foreign partners, you will take care of having employees speaking foreign languages, won’t you? The same applies to IT: if you hire IT professionals regularly, assign this task to a person who will focus his or her efforts only on this direction.

The HR must speak with candidates in one language and easily cope with non-standard questions or speech turnovers. Uncertainty may lead to not only a general misunderstanding between the candidate and the HR but also the fact that the almost-hired developer will change his mind.

#2 Offer Decent Money

Study the market to understand how much you should pay to a proficient developer. However, don’t focus solely on similar offers from other companies. Instead, try to understand how much skillful developer you need and if the latter costs too much, train a talented newcomer.

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IT specialists are a very special category of applicants. Study the market, realize your needs and offer a decent salary to the relevant specialist. Be ready to pay more than you planned. Salary is not the only goal, but it’s the point where the job may seem attractive. The salaries vary greatly depending on the location and expertise, etc. But there is a bare minimum. The minimum hourly rate is $35 for the mobile app developers in Ukraine while the UK developers charge at least £60.

#3 Create the Right Conditions

You will have to create and maintain a new atmosphere in the company. The spirit of an IT company is made of a flexible schedule, convenient office, cookies, no dress code, challenging tasks, etc. According to many developers, all this can be found only in IT companies. What to do about it? You’ll have to turn at least one department into a branch of an IT company.

Begin with a study of the expectations of candidates. Gather information from IT meetings and thematic resource (including forums and comments), talk to experts and conduct the market research.

Do you know how much a workplace means for a developer? The mistake of many companies is the acquisition of typical furniture and armchairs for reasons of the beauty of the interior. Alas, developers are not interested in whether this chair or table fits well the interior. Instead, they value the convenience of prolonged work and the absence of problems with the back. Consult knowledgeable people and buy comfortable furniture. The devil is in the detail!

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#4 Use an Individual Approach

Developers need a special approach. Most likely, your company has an accepted mode of work; for example, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and compliance with it is important for everyone who works with partners from other companies. However, IT-specialists can easily go without live communication with other departments so that it is better to give them such an opportunity if it’s possible.

Having established a flexible schedule, you will see that most developers are willing to overwork and often stay in the office until the late evening.

#5 Don’t Overestimate Your Real Capabilities

Will you satisfy all the needs of capricious specialists? Will it affect your business processes and corporate culture? Try to understand in advance whether you will be able to justify the privileges of IT people.

Feel ready to invest in the development of your department and provide employees with comfortable working conditions? Then start with the evaluation of the possibility of innovations. Estimate the costs and familiarize the financial department with it. Once you agree on the spending, you can start looking for candidates.

Feel that the company is not yet ready for changes? Then either change priorities (hire less qualified employees) or look for the help of outsourcing performers.

#6 Don’t Complicate the Job Interview

As it was said above, you need a separate HR for the IT branch. Although many companies like to conduct several interviews (first with HR, then with the supervisor), a preliminary interview with an HR specialist without the participation of a direct supervisor or team leader does not make any sense! You simply waste your and the candidate’s time.

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The most important during the interview is to convey the candidate that the IT-direction is important for the company and that there are always many challenging tasks. Highlight the previous successful projects and what you have in your plans.

One can also be motivated by a higher position, especially when it comes to young specialists. If the position includes the word “senior,” the attractiveness of the proposal increases by several times.

By the way, most developers are versatile people so that any additional opportunities to show their talents will be a great bonus.

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Hiring a good programmer is a slightly more difficult task than finding a UI/UX designer or project manager. Pay attention to candidates interested in supplying finished projects and working on business indicators that they can be proud of.We hope now you are aware about how to Hire Proficient Developers.

Another important factor is the initiative of the candidate, that is, his or her readiness to study and try new things.

I wish you company to flourish!


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