Best Windows Server Backup Software in 2020

Best Windows Server Backup Software in 2020

While choosing a company, you have to analyze them on several accounts which will be helpful in determining who the perfect fit is for you. In addition to this, you have to ask a certain number of questions to yourself also. You can analyze the simpler things like – the storage volume required, downtime tolerance, and budget. The storage volume required for the backup can affect the decision and the cost. Get more details about Vm backup solutions.

Downtime is not appreciated by anybody but what if it happens? You have to prepare for the worst and the best. Lastly, it all comes to the budget. Some products require one-time investment and some monthly payments. Select the company which is best for you. A backup application consumer will have to select the best Windows Server Backup Software and he/she should look for:

  • Features: Software is often defined by its features, so as a consumer you have to note the features. The evaluation may vary from person to person but the application should avail strong features in a thoughtful and logical way. Some features are machine-dependent, so ask for the machine specifications.
  • Ease-of-Use: The design of the software should be simple and elegant. The application should guide the user in the hour of need. The color, aesthetics, and placement of the tools should be proper and highlighted. The developer should develop the application according to user navigation.
  • Performance: Any software has a minimum system requirement, below this standard the application will not properly. So, make sure you have the latest systems with you which can handle any software application. Since there are various different types of Windows Server available, you should test the software in your environment. This will display the performance of the application.
  • Support: The support department of the company should be strong and cogent. The software company should have a frequently asked question (FAQ) section on their website, an informative blog, a resource section, mailing, and helpline network which should be available 24*7. So, if you face any difficulty regarding anything, it can be quickly resolved.
  • Pricing: The backup software market is a little competitive and you will find the product with similar prices everywhere. So, you have to decide what are you looking for and what kind of extra services you will need. Also, there are different types of Server environments, so deciding the right product will help you understand the needs.
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Some of the budding Windows Server Backup Software programs are:

  1. NAKIVO Inc.: One of the best Windows Server Backup Software in the industry is NAKIVO Backup and Replication. Some of the cool features of the application are – Incremental Backup, application-aware backup, global data deduplication, the AES-256 encryption, etc. After a single full backup, only the changed or updated values are backed up until the next full backup in the incremental backup. This saves space, time, and resources. The application-aware backup captures the current state of all the running applications on the Windows Server. When you back up a Server, it is important to include the backup of all the applications on which the server runs. The basic idea behind Deduplication is to use the storage space effectively. The global data deduplication mechanism is used to reduce the data flow. The AES or advanced encryption standard is a key generation method. The data is secured by 256-bit encryption technique and the only way to unlock the encryption is to find the key, which is impossible in one life-time. The perfect package for any business with a lot of features.
  2. CloudBerry Backup: CloudBerry backup as the name suggests employs cloud technology for backups. The CloudBerry Company provides various solutions for small, medium, and large businesses. Also, they are premium partners of all the major cloud platforms and technologies. This quality makes them reliable and efficient. The CloudBerry backup application supports local backups and the third-party cloud storages like – Amazon S3 or Glacier, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, etc. You can choose your cloud storage and they will integrate the application accordingly. The Windows Server version allows block-level image-based backups. This way you can take full snapshots of your server and modifying the data blocks that changed since the last backup. Also, the storage space required is less and the speed for creating a backup improves significantly. They use 256-bit encryption technique which is pretty secured currently. It is a powerful backup product for Windows Server.
  3. NovaBackup Server: NovaStor, the company which helps the businesses with their data backups. They provide pain-free services and products related to the backup process. The in-house solutions are one of the best in the industry. Some of the features of NovaBackup Server worth noticing are – P2V support, Multi-threaded Server protection, central monitoring, etc. The P2V feature converts any system into a virtual copy within minutes. This way you can create a copy of your server whenever you need. The multi-threaded server protection is one of a kind technology. It allows the read and writes operations to work simultaneously, it results in faster processing. A central monitoring console which a user can use to check the status of the backup. They also have a cloud-hosted data service for storing backups. You can target any storage service but an in-house storage service saves time. The backup application for Windows server has such cool features with a user-friendly interface.
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Summary: If you are confused, ask for a demo, information, anything on the application. Compare the features of different companies and ask if they can customize the application? Finally, when you decide the best one for your business, get the price details and start the backup procedure. Windows Server or any Server is susceptible to attacks and failures, so to stay safe, creating a backup is necessary. Manage the system properly and look out for those nasty cyber-attacks. It goes with the saying – Precaution is better than cure.

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